Laws of Notion
To one degree or another, we all seem to have an addiction to gratification. Instant gratification is not necessarily a bad thing – you simply have to choose your definition of “instant” wisely.
Taking my usual share of poetic license and nodding to Sir Issac, I’ll call gratification a “notion” and share my thoughts…
Eric’s First Law of Notion states that any feeling of Gratification experienced by virtue of a Material Possession will dissipate at a Velocity 1.5 times greater than that as which it was achieved:
v + gmp = v (1.5)
Eric’s Second Law of Notion states that any feeling of Gratification experienced by virtue of a Non-Tangible will dissipate at a Velocity one half that at which it was achieved:
v + gnt = v / 2
Eric’s Third Law of Notion states that any feeling of Gratification experienced by virtue of Hard Work (otherwise known as dedication and/or love) will dissipate at a Velocity of zero:
v + ghw = v (∞ / 2)
Hence, Eric’s Axiom: The more difficult the achievement, the greater and more durable the gratification.
Which leads us naturally to Eric’s Ambiguity: All of the above may be erroneous.
Be that as it may, we’re just about 12 weeks away from September 3rd – ProjectHola’s Wear a Name Tag Day. Now that I’m in San Miguel de Allende, I’ll be employing all of the hard work, dedication and love I can muster in an effort to make September 3rd as successful as possible.
Twelve weeks may not be everyone’s definition of instant, but considering the fact that the rewards of ProjectHola! will remain in my heart indefinitely, three months seems instant enough for me.
Do you have any laws concerning gratification that might agree or seem to contradict my own? Please share them. Insights and opinions are helpful and fun!
Here’s hoping your June has gotten off to a wonderful start and that your week will be absolutely excellent!
Desde San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México,
=) Eric
The winner of last week’s drawing for Ten Free Name Tags is Michael!. Thanks for your comment Michael.
And yes, we’ll make this a weekly event and give away another Ten Free Name Tags this week!
To enter, simply post a comment on any ProjectHola! blog article between now and 9:00pm PDT Sunday, June 12, 2011.
The winner, drawn at random, will be announced within next Monday’s ProjectHola! blog article (June 13th).
This drawing is open to everyone, world-wide. The Ten Free Name Tags will be in English (as pictured above) and will be sent via the United States Postal Service, courtesy of my father.
Thank you, everyone, for your comments during the previous week. They are highly appreciated!
I am in training for 3 Sept. My “hola” and smile muscles get fatigued so fast because of disuse. But each time I “work out,” I generally do get “instant gratification” of a smile in return, even from the most hostile looking folks – it’s scary here in the IE!
I really enjoyed reading your theory on gratification. It is a very interesting hypothesis
I hope you are having fun in Mexico. Hasta luego!